Happy Friday y’all! I hope it’s been a good one. I’m here to tell you some exciting news that you probably guessed from the title but *drumroll please*…

I’m writing a book!

Photo by Alexandra Herstik

Photo by Alexandra Herstik

And not just any book…a book on witchcraft! It will be out next spring (or early summer) and will cover everything from the wheel of the year to fashion magick to spellwork and so much more. This babe will be a guide for your to find your own brand of magick so you can shine like the bright, mystical diamond you are.  I’m so excited for this, especially because it’s been in the works since the end of February! I literally made a Facebook status at the beginning of the year saying “I want to write a book in 2017” and guess what y’all… this will be finished by December 30th.

The coolest part? It will be published by Ebury Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House! Ebury approached me, on Twitter of all places, about writing a book after seeing my column for NYLON and holiday guides for Broadly. In all honesty, this made me ACTUALLY feel like witch Carrie Bradshaw (who gets approached to make a book out of her columns.) To say it’s a dream come true is an understatement. If you’ve been wondering why I haven’t been freelancing as much or why I’ve been so MIA it’s because of this!

My book’s birth chart! AKA its “book chart!”


One of the questions I get asked most frequently is what books I recommend for witches who are just beginning their journey. The day I was approached about this I had been thinking about how I could write a book on witchcraft since I got asked about it that morning (literally!) Well, it looks like I’ll have an answer! This process has been a long and rewarding one and I’m so excited for this next chapter. I’m so thankful that I’m able to use my voice in such an empowering way. WE ARE ALL MAGICK and I can’t wait to help people remember that.

gabriela herstik